设备功能 / Equipment Functions 开机率 / Operating Rate:95% 产能 / Capacity:1200pcs/h 良品率 / Confomity Rate:99%
设备简介 / Equipment Introduction 整机采用分割器驱动转盘结构。自动供料,并按设定扭力扭紧3颗螺钉,自动判断并分拣螺钉滑牙、浮高等不良品,自动下料到合格品位和不合格品位。独创的螺钉供料方式,保证螺钉供料稳定可靠,易维护;每次2个产品同时操作。自动清空并完成设备内未完工的产品。异常时停机报警,并提示异常位置。自动记录合格品和不合格品数,实时计算产能。完善的安全防护措施,防止意外工伤发生。 The machine uses split drive turntable structure. Automatically feed and tighten three screws according to the setted torque, and judge and sorting defective products, such as screws slip teeth, floating higher and so on, and unload qualified and unqualified products to each stations. Original screw feeding method to ensure reliable screw feeding, easy to maintain. Two products can be operated at the same time. Automatically empty and complete the unfinished products. Under abnormal condition, the machine will stop and alarm and indicate the abnormal place. The machine will automatic recording the number of qualified and unqualified products and computing machine capacity in real-time. Comprehensive security measures to prevent accidental injury occurred. |